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Health & Safety Policy
Safety is everyone's responsibility
Everyone has a responsibility to prevent injuries and/or illnesses. Below are ‘basic’ safety rules members must follow:
Never do anything that is unsafe - Report any unsafe matters / conditions.
Do not remove or disable any safety device(s)!
Never operate ball machine (equipment) unless you have been trained or are authorized.
Playing under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or using them while playing is prohibited.
Horseplay, running and fighting are prohibited.
Clean up spills immediately.
General safe tennis practices:
Always store and put away tennis balls, rackets etc. in a safe manner after playing.
Tie down or remove elements, if necessary, to prevent falling and/or rolling (i.e. knees, ankles, etc.).
Excess dust, leafs, branches and/or water should not be allowed to accumulate before or during play.
Remove any garbage or loose items from stairs, walkways, ramps, courts, etc. (to prevent injuries).
Do not block walking lanes, fire exits, passages, or stairs.
Do not operate any power tool or equipment unless you are trained (i.e. leaf / dust blower etc.)

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